Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Response #3-Writing Prompt on Desire

There are two kinds of desire, created and inherent.  I remember this being a little bit more on the difficult side for me because I could not distinguish between the two kinds.  After the class discussion though it was clear there was a difference.  Created desire is controlled.  It is controlled by being exposed to certain environments, our psych, and any ideas given to us by an outside source.  I relate this to “A Streetcar Named Desire” and the character Blanche.  Her desire for material things is created desire.  Blanche and Stella grew up in a mansion on a huge plantation.  They were accustomed to the finer things in life. Blanche’s desire for nice things is because she was a product of her environment.  This can be controlled as we see in Stella who is not materialistic at all and is very happy with her average lifestyle.  The second kind of desire is inherent.  It is uncontrolled and cannot be created. It is based on our instincts, love, justification, and spiritual fulfillment.  I feel you can compare inherent desire to the love I have for my nieces.  I desire the absolute best for them and want to give them anything I can.  I do not do things because I feel I will get something in return.  I act the way I do towards them based on my instincts, I do not have to force myself.  It is effortless.  I feel created desire is almost a more selfish desire because it is all things you want but do not really need.  Inherent desire I feel is a little more selfless because you are not looking to gain anything and it comes naturally to a person.  

My 2 nieces..well technically 3 including Sophie the dog : )

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